A person who practices a trade or handicraft that produces something in limited quantities often using traditional methods.
I love the smell of a workshop, any workshop. There is a smell that combines wood, oil and things that have been stored for a long time that evoke such strong feelings for me.
A particularly strong memory is sawdust in the air and the feel of the wood under my fingers. People who know me well, know that if i am in a cabinet makers workshop or showroom I will run my hand over every surface and will hold pieces of wood against my nose and breathe in as deeply as I can.
I was compelled to take accounting to my final year at school instead of woodwork, it is one of the big regrets in my life.
This series is probably a way to live vicariously through artisans and their experiences and using my skills as a photographer and filmmaker to celebrate their skills when creating beautiful objects.
As a personal project, The Artisan Project is intended to challenge myself, improve my skills and in some way feed my soul., In addition, to create content for my portfolio and to attract commercial work.
To do that and to get buy in from the Artisans, I have covered all the costs for the projects. It also means that I am the director, camera operator, sound engineer, editor and chief bottle washer.
I am loving every minute of it.
In the films where I did have assistance, the person and their skillset will be added to the credits.
My name is Quintin Mills and I am a Creative Director, Photographer & Filmmaker based in Johannesburg, South Africa.